Fortnum's and The Felix Project on Christmas Eve 2023
Lancaster House HM The Queen's Platinum Jubilee


Diversity & Inclusion Matters

We believe positive action on diversity and social mobility creates happier, engaged and more effective teams.​

It is very important to us that our people feel they belong and can thrive, regardless of their background.

We recognise that we are all unique, that our individual experiences bring richness, and that these differences lead to a better business and fuel innovation.

​Our aim is to create an environment where each person can flourish and do their best work. We do this in several ways: ​

Firstly Allyship training for our managers. We have been working hard to develop meaningful learning that supports our Inclusion and Diversity Strategy, to help our leaders and teams feel educated and empowered;

Joining like-minded communities - such as Diversity in Retail, whose joint mission (with WiHTL) is to bring companies together across Retail, Hospitality, Travel and Leisure, to create diverse and inclusive environments. Members of our belonging network and HR team attend quarterly committee meetings on a range of topics from Disability, to Ethnicity and Data;

Getting our teams together regularly during in-store meetings to share unique aspects of their culture, and the role that food plays;

Providing dedicated employee networks to educate our teams and celebrate our differences. These cover a range of agendas and topics, including caring and family responsibilities; sustainability and social responsibility, and diversity and inclusion;

Measuring our progress by gathering personal data from our people - in order to respond to their needs, drive positive change, and;

Hosting events to celebrate diversity and foster inclusion, through meaningful and thoughtful dialogue, during times of cultural significance throughout the year.

Charitable Giving and Social Responsibility

Click here for further details on our charitable giving.

To read more about Fortnum's Sustainability and Social responsibility approach, click here.​

Growing and developing your career

We believe in mobility, so we have a range of development programmes - such as apprenticeships - at Fortnum's, to help you grow and develop your career with us. We encourage our teams to develop and enhance their skills, so that we can develop future leaders within the business. This is the story of Virgilia and James, who are in the process of completing our development programme.

There is a blended learning approach to training, with a range of classroom and online activities to support different types of learners across the business.


  • play
    Team Fortnum's at The Felix Project depot